The feeling of becoming a mother in every woman's life is priceless. Naturally there is a mother hidden inside every woman.
But, when the time comes to become a mother, some women are unable to realize the beginning of the moment.
Most women consider the absence of menstruation as the beginning of pregnancy.
But in reality, there are other signs which ensure the pregnancy of a woman.
Pregnancy test is a reliable solution for this, which can give the right answer to any woman getting pregnant or not.
Efforts are being made to give you complete information about pregnancy through this article.

1. What are pregnancy tests?

The test giving information about whether a woman is pregnant or not is called pregnancy test.
Through this test, the woman's human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG-Human Chorionic Gonadotropin) levels are checked.
This hormone can be found in the blood and urine 10 to 14 days after the woman conceives.
When a woman's menstrual period is not on time, then the woman can do a pregnancy test or go to the doctor to clear her doubts.
This test is generally 99% reliable. Normally this test is done by testing the woman's urine.

2. What is the importance of pregnancy test?

It is very important for a woman to have a pregnancy test. Once pregnancy is detected in a pregnancy test, the woman can change her lifestyle accordingly.
Along with this, by taking various types of tests and tests as prescribed by the doctor on the detection of pregnancy, you can take various measures to make pregnancy safe and sound.

3. When to do pregnancy test?

When you feel that one to two weeks have passed since your menstrual period, then you can do a test to get pregnancy check.
By this time, the egg of the woman's womb, together with the sperm of the male, is marked and stuck on the wall of the uterus.
With this, the production of HCG hormone starts in the woman's body.
Therefore, when the woman's urine or blood is examined 10 to 14 days after menstruation, then the presence of this hormone ensures that the woman is pregnant.
In this way, whenever your menstrual date is above 7 days, then you can test pregnancy.

4. How medical tests are helpful for confirming pregnancy?

The presence of HCG hormone in a pregnant woman's body is reported to be pregnant. That's why they are also called pregnancy hormones. At the time of pregnancy, the amount of these hormones in the woman's body increases.
Actually these hormones are produced by the cells that make placenta in the fetus, and through this placenta, the fetus gets nourishment in the womb of the pregnant.
This hormone is produced in the female body after 10-14th day of pregnancy and at its peak during the 8th to 11th week of pregnancy. A woman's blood or urine can be tested to confirm pregnancy.

5. How urine test for pregnancy is done?

The most important thing to note for the urine test is that it is necessary to take urine in the morning for this work. Apart from this, it is very important to carefully read the instructions written on it before using the pregnancy kit.
Instructions for using different types of pregnancy kits found in the market also vary. Therefore, it would be good to read all the instructions of pregnancy kit carefully before using it. Through the kits available in the market for pregnancy test, you can confirm pregnancy at home.
The test is usually done through urine in the pregnancy test kit as follows:

  • Take out a few drops of morning urine in a clean little bottle;
  • Now put a few drops of urine on a test strip available in the pregnancy-test kit with the help of a dropper;
  • After that wait for 5 minutes;
  • After this you will see two pink colored lines on this test strip;
  • To understand the meaning of these lines, you should look carefully at the kit as well as the instruction list
  • Based on these instructions, you can ensure pregnancy.

6. What could be the possible outcome of urine test?

The results of the urine test done through the pregnancy kit can be as follows:
  • When only one pink line appears on the kit, it means that the result is negative, in other words you are not pregnant.
  • If you see two pink lines on the test strip then this may be auspicious information for your pregnancy.
 If you don't see anything on the Pregnancy Test Kit, then its meaning can be different like -
  • The date of the test-kit has passed;
  • The urine used for pregnancy has gone bad;
  • The woman may have already used a prenancy kit;
  • The woman may have drank some excess fluid before the test, causing excessive fluidity in urine;
  • During pregnancy test, the woman is taking some medicines which have affected the test;
  • It may also happen that miscarriage has occurred at the time of conception, in which case the results can be negative.

7. How blood test for pregnancy is done

In the absence of a woman's menstrual period, the pregnancy can also be ensured through a blood test within 6-8 days.
Blood tests for pregnancy test are done in two ways:
Qualitative examination
  • This is the first blood test to check for pregnancy;
  • The presence of hCG hormone in it is investigated;
  • If the presence of this hormone is found in the blood test, then it ensures the onset of pregnancy;
  • This blood test of the woman is done 10 days after the date of non-menstrual period.
Quantitative examination
  • This blood test in pregnancy test attempts to find out how much HCG hormone is in the woman's blood.
  • The least amount of HCG can also be easily detected by blood tests.
  • Apart from this, if there is any kind of problem in pregnancy, it is also detected at the beginning.
  • Pregnancy doctors check the exact position of the pregnancy during the blood test and other tests. This ensures that the fetus is developing in the tube rather than in the uterus.
  • This condition is called ectopic pregnancy. Blood tests can be very helpful even if the woman has had an abortion before conception.
  • Most women consider it convenient to take a urine test to check for pregnancy.
  • But if you have got negative results then you can check again a week after the first test.
  • But if you have received different results in both tests, then it would be good to go to the doctor and get a blood test done for pregnancy test.

8. Summary

Usually, as soon as a woman's menstrual date does not come at the appointed time, then she is in a state of confusion about pregnancy.
In such cases, women try to test urine through a kit for pregnancy test.
The results of this test are often positive and sometimes negative.
In such a situation, it is best to have a blood test done by a doctor to confirm pregnancy.