Becoming a mother is every woman's dream and a new feeling for her. Women are so anxious about conceiving that they become anxious about the identity of pregnancy.
In such a situation, at times, they start to understand the symptoms of common diseases too early in pregnancy or signs of getting pregnant.
After pregnancy and before having a baby, many physical and mental changes are seen in a woman due to pregnancy.
These include spasms in the uterus, menstruation stops, morning sickness, excessive fatigue and changes in breasts, etc.
It is natural for every woman trying to become pregnant or pregnant to be excited about the symptoms of pregnancy.
But in many cases, women are unable to differentiate between the symptoms of the disease and the diagnosis of pregnancy. In such a situation, it is very important that if you are trying to become pregnant then you are aware of the early signs of pregnancy.
Through this article, we will tell you how to identify pregnancy, what are the early signs of pregnancy or what are the symptoms of getting pregnant? Let us know how to identify pregnancy with the initial signs of pregnancy!

1. Very early symptoms of pregnancy

If you are trying to become pregnant, you may feel the following symptoms at the beginning of pregnancy:
Symptoms of pregnancy or pregnancy are as follows:

Missing periods or missing menstrual periods (Missed Periods)

Not having menstruation or not getting on time is considered to be the first of the symptoms of pregnancy or pregnancy. But this is not always necessary every time.
If a woman's periods are irregular, it cannot always be considered a symptom of becoming pregnant.
But if a woman wants a child and is trying to become pregnant, and usually her menstruation is regular at the right time and during this time the absence of menstruation can be a sign of pregnancy.

Breast changes

If you are trying to conceive and you see the following changes in your breasts, then these may be the symptoms of getting pregnant or pregnant:
  • Swelling of breasts
  • Breast Pain
  • Sensitive breasts
  • Breast heaviness
  • Changing the skin color around the nipple
  • Fatigue
If you start feeling tired very soon despite taking adequate nutrition and you are not suffering from any disease then these symptoms can be the early signs of pregnancy.

Vaginal bleeding or Spotting without menstruation

Sometimes spotting or light bleeding or spotting may be the initial symptoms of pregnancy.
If a woman is trying to become pregnant and their menstruation has not come on her own time, apart from this she may not show any signs of pregnancy like - nausea or vomiting! But suddenly the woman starts getting spotting from the vagina and if she stops on her own, then it can be a symptom of the woman getting pregnant. But this is not a sure proof of a woman's conception.

Raised body temperature

If the woman's body suddenly starts getting hot and sweating too much, early pregnancy symptoms may occur.

Faster heart beat

If a woman is trying to get pregnant and even in a small task, her heartbeat increases, then it can be a symptom of pregnancy.

Frequent urination

If a woman suddenly feels a frequent urination that was not there before and is trying to become pregnant, this symptom may be one of the earliest signs of pregnancy.

Nausea in the morning

Sudden nausea and vomiting of a woman in the morning can be one of the early signs of pregnancy.

High blood pressure

If the blood pressure of a woman was normal, but for a few days without any reason, it increases or remains elevated, then it can be a symptom of getting pregnant.

2. Complete timeline of pregnancy symptoms

From conception to the birth of a child, there is a time of 40 weeks in which the mother's body undergoes many changes. There are certain symptoms associated with every month or week.
The symptoms of pregnancy continue to fluctuate during the 40-week journey! But it is not necessary that all pregnant women experience these symptoms.
If you have confirmed that you are pregnant then you hardly see any difference in your body for the first three weeks. Early pregnancy symptoms are rare, you may or may not feel them!
Every woman's body is different and due to this, the symptoms of pregnancy do not necessarily look the same in all women.
If you are trying to get pregnant and your menstrual period is missed, then in such a situation, the absence of pregnancy symptom does not mean that you are not pregnant.
You may be pregnant, but because the initial symptoms of pregnancy are very rare and every woman's body reacts differently during pregnancy, you may not be able to feel the symptoms of getting pregnant!
In the first week of pregnancy, your body starts preparing for the baby coming from day one. The woman's body releases pregnant hormones while pregnant. For this reason, increased blood pressure and mood swings are common symptoms.
During pregnancy every week there is a slight difference in the symptoms of the body, which are also called symptoms of pregnancy, which are as follows:

Pregnancy symptoms: Between 1-4 weeks

Changes in the body of a pregnant woman during motherhood can be: -
  • Absence of periods
  • Slight vaginal bleeding or spotting from the vagina even without menstruation. Light bleeding or spotting can be seen in women during fetal implantation.

Pregnancy symptoms: Between 4-6 weeks

Pregnancy symptoms may occur between four to six weeks of pregnancy: -

  • Mild stomach pain or twitching
  • Fatigue
  • Nausea
  • Change in body temperature
  • Breasts soft and big
  • Frequent urination
  •  stomach enlargement
  • dizziness
  • Mood swings

Pregnancy Symptoms: Between 6-10 Weeks

Symptoms of pregnancy can occur between six to ten weeks of pregnancy: -
  • High blood pressure or high blood pressure
  • Fatigue and chest irritation
  • Palpitation

Symptoms of pregnancy: between 10-12 weeks

During ten to twelve weeks of pregnancy, the symptoms of pregnancy can be: -
  • Breast and nipple changes
  • gaining weight
  • Craving to eat different things

Symptoms of pregnancy: between 12-16 weeks

Pregnancy symptoms can occur between twelve to sixteen weeks of pregnancy: -
  • Pregnancy glow
  • Acne
  • Feeling loose in the body,
  • Increased appetite
  • Darkening of the skin color around parts of the body such as the nipple
  • Baby feeling

Pregnancy Symptoms: After 16+ Weeks

Symptoms of pregnancy after sixteen weeks of pregnancy can be:
  • Waist or leg pain
  • Swelling of extremities
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Very sleepy
  • Breast milk
  • Stretching

3. Physical and emotional changes as early pregnancy symptoms and their reasons

If you are trying to become pregnant then you will be curious about the identity of pregnancy.
As soon as you are pregnant, your body starts getting ready for pregnancy and you start feeling the early signs of pregnancy.
If your menstrual period has not come and you have confirmed that you are pregnant or pregnant by getting a pregnancy test or checkup with a doctor, then get ready because there are many changes in your body and life.
In other words, after the identification of positive pregnancy, a pregnant woman undergoes many physical and mental changes.
Physical and mental changes and their causes after the diagnosis of pregnancy are:

Changes in breast

Being pregnant, the size of your breasts starts to enlarge, the breasts become softer and sometimes even feel pain.
All this is due to hormonal changes happening in the body which itself decreases over time.

Vaginal bleeding or spotting

Pregnancy can cause light blood from the vagina, just like menstruation, due to fertilized egg implants in the uterus.

This can happen after 10–14 days of conceive. But this does not happen with every pregnant woman. Sometimes, spotting is also the hallmark of early pregnancy.

Morning sickness

Nausea or vomiting is one of the most prevalent symptoms as a symptom of pregnancy. Nausea is also called morning sickness.
During pregnancy, symptoms like morning nausea are seen in women. For this reason, the symptoms of pregnancy are also called morning sickness.
However, morning sickness can occur at any time of the day or night, the reason behind which is the changes in hormones.
It usually occurs after the sixth week of gestation. Morning sickness itself cures itself in the coming months.

Frequent Urination

During pregnancy, the kidneys have to work more due to the increase in the level of blood in the body, due to which more urine is produced than normal. So again and again pregnant woman has a desire to go to toilet.


It is common for a pregnant woman to feel tired due to increased levels of progesterone hormone in the body.
Along with this, the mother's body during pregnancy is also fulfilling the demands of the child, which also leads to fatigue.

Mood swings

The level of hormones in the pregnant woman's body fluctuates, due to which their mood and behavior also changes. Changes in mood and behavior are commonly called mood swings.


As the level of progesterone hormone in the body increases, the esophageal sphincter becomes more open due to which the gastric juices start coming upwards, which causes a burning sensation in the chest.


Digestive power decreases due to increase in the amount of progesterone hormone in the body, due to which the stomach always feels heavy and full.


As the hormone level rises, the androgen level rises due to which the sebaceous gland produces more oil, which causes the pores of the skin to close and the problem of acne.


Due to decreased digestion power, food is digested late due to which problems in defecation start and there are complaints of constipation.

Headache and dizziness

Dizziness and headache are a common symptom due to changes in blood and hormone levels in the body.
With this, decrease in sugar level in the blood, dehydration etc. can also occur.

Taste changes

Due to hormonal changes in the body, women feel like eating something special and sometimes they get upset by something.
Due to being pregnant, there is a change in the level of hormones, due to which the taste also changes like metallic taste etc. The taste itself corrects when the hormone levels are controlled.

Blocked Nose

Due to increased blood levels, the skin inside the nose swells due to which the problem of nasal congestion starts.

Lower back pain

In the early days of conception, there is a problem of pain in the lower part of the waist in women.

Faster heart beat

The body has to meet the demand of oxygen and other elements of the baby growing in the womb, for which the heart has to work more, due to which the heartbeat increases.

Pregnancy glow

The increased level of hormone increases the blood flow in the body and the amount of oil in the skin also increases due to which the skin starts glowing.

4. Is it common to experience pregnancy symptoms even if you are not pregnant?

Symptoms seen even when not pregnant can be understood in this way:
  • The absence of menstrual cycle is considered to be the most accurate symptom in early pregnancy. But, the thing to note here is that the absence of menstruation is not a sign of getting pregnant every time. Menstruation is also missed in women due to several medical reasons, such as extreme anxiety or stress, PCOS problem, change in hormone level etc. So if you are not pregnant or trying to become pregnant, but there is any change in your menstrual cycle, then consult a doctor or gynecologist.
  • There are many changes in the breasts of women during pregnancy and chest pain is also a common symptom but this symptom also starts around menstruation, which is cured after menstruation. Apart from this, chest pain occurs many times due to excessive exercise.
  • It is a common practice to have morning nausea or frequent vomiting during the day. But it is not necessary that pregnancy is one of the reasons. Stomach problems, stress or anxiety, any type of medication or stomach infection can also cause bad mood due to which one can feel nauseous again and again.
  • It is common for a pregnant woman to feel tired, but if you feel tired for no reason or find daily work difficult due to excessive fatigue, then it is important to consult a doctor. Some common reasons behind this such as fall of blood pressure, diabetes, physical exercise more than necessary can also occur.
  • Mood swings are not just the symptoms of pregnancy, but every month, every woman has to bear around her menstruation. Due to anxiety, stress, grief, or diet, along with it, fluctuations in the behavior of women can be seen.
  • The reason behind bloating is not just pregnancy or menstruation, but also gas problems, digestion problems, side effects of a medicine, frequent eating, etc.
  • Apart from this, constipation, backache, swelling in the body, etc. are not just the symptoms seen in a pregnant woman, but they can also be due to lifestyle or any other health disorder. 

5. Conclusion

Being a mother is a pleasure for every woman. If you are thinking about becoming a mother or trying to become a mother, then there must be a question in your mind that how do you recognize the early signs of pregnancy.
Early diagnosis of early pregnancy symptoms will ensure that both the mother and her child are taken care of in a timely manner, so that there will be no problem at the time of delivery.
If there is a big change in addition to the usual symptoms of pregnancy, then visit a doctor and take special care of your food and health as soon as you prove that you are pregnant.
In order to identify pregnancy, the elders of our house can easily find out their experiences. But there is no doubt of any kind, for that it is very important that you contact the doctor to identify the pregnancy.