Being pregnant is the most important opportunity for any woman. This world depends only on reproduction.
Conceiving a woman and bringing a new life into the world is a really difficult and important process.
If you are thinking of becoming a mother, then you must be thinking that how long will it take you to become pregnant, when should you have sex and what should you take care of to become pregnant as soon as possible.
Today, through this article, we will discuss some important questions related to pregnancy like - how does a woman become pregnant, what are the reasons for pregnancy, what is the most appropriate time to conceive.
Let us know about pregnancy in detail through this article.

1. Which organs are important for pregnancy?

In order to understand the reason for pregnancy, the reason for getting pregnant, it is necessary to first know about the reproductive organ of the woman.
Ovaries and fallopian tubes are among the major reproductive organs of the woman.
Let us know in detail about Overy and Fallopian tubes:


Each woman has two ovaries, one on the right and one on the left. It is about 4 cm big and oval in shape.
Ovaries are located in ovarian follicles on either side of the uterus.
It is attached to the womb by the ligament but the rest is away from the female reproductive organs such as the fallopian tubes.
Ovary performs two specific functions in pregnancy, activating the egg, which, along with sperm, fertilizes and starts the process of pregnancy.
Also, to maintain pregnancy / pregnancy, it is necessary to produce the hormones oestrogen and progesterone, also known as pregnancy hormone.

Fallopian tubes

The other important organ is the fallopian tube which is attached to ovary and the other part is connected to uterus.
Fallopian tubes are tube-like shapes that help to carry a woman's eggs from the ovary to the uterus.
The ovaries or ovaries of the ovaries remain in the dormant state until the first menstrual period.
This egg becomes active as the woman enters puberty due to which the menstrual cycle starts in the woman.
When having sex with a man, the man's semen / sperm enter the woman's body through the passage of the woman's vagina.
As the body enters the sperm, it enters the woman's fallopin tube and if they find a live egg there, the first stage of pregnancy is completed, which is called fertilization.
After fertilization, the fertilized egg gets implanted in the uterus. Transplantation of the fertilized egg into the uterus is a sign of successful pregnancy.

2. What is pregnancy?

The reproductive organs of her body contribute a lot in getting pregnant.
These organs are the ovaries, where the egg that creates the new organism remains in a sleeping state until the virginity of the woman.
Menstruation begins with the woman entering puberty.
With the onset of menstruation, these eggs also become awake.
The second important organ is the fallopian tube which is attached to ovary and the other part is connected to uterus.
The ovum from the ovary travels further by entering the fallopian tube.
When having sex with a man, the man's semen or sperm enter the woman's body through the passage of the woman's vagina.
As the body enters the sperm, it enters the woman's fallopian tube and if they find a living egg there, the process of fertilization is completed. This situation is called conception.

3. How a woman gets pregnant?

The mixing of the female's egg and the male's sperm is very important for pregnancy. This process is called fertilization.
The process of fertilization occurs during the cycle of ovulation or ovulation of any normal woman.
At the time of ovulation, the ovum of the female comes out of the fallopian tube in a mature state.
Usually the menstrual cycle of a woman is 28 days and the ovulation process in a healthy woman's body takes place 10 days after menstruation. At this time, the egg comes out of the woman's ovary and goes to the fallopian tube.
If the male sperm is present in the fallopian tube at this time, then this egg is fertilized together with it.
The woman becomes pregnant only after the successful process of fertilization. Every woman's body is different, therefore it is not necessary that every woman's ovulation will be only 10 days after her menstruation.
Some women have irregular menstrual cycles. In such a situation, it is important that you track ovulation and have a relationship with your partner at the time of ovulation. Doing this increases your chances of getting pregnant.
It is worth noting that the woman's egg survives for 24 hours in the umbilical cord and similarly the semen (sperm) present in the fallopian tube survives for 5 days.
If during this period the egg of the woman reaches the fallopin tube only then the possibility of fertilization process increases.
Therefore, it is necessary to have any one of the following conditions for pregnancy:
  • When the egg is released from the woman's ovary, then the male's semen, ie sperm, is already present in the tube.
  • The egg released from the woman's ovaries survives for 24 hours, during these 24 hours the male's semen is present in the woman's fallopian tubes. 

4. What is the most suitable time to get pregnant?

Most women live in the dilemma as to what is the right time to conceive.
Normally a healthy woman's menstruation discharge lasts for 5 to 7 days.
From the 12th day to the 18th day after the onset of periods, a woman's fertility is at its peak.
This time is also called ovulation period. Ovulation period is considered the best time to conceive. In these days, having sex with a male has maximum chances of pregnancy.

5. How to get pregnant faster?

Fertilization of female egg and male sperm is very important for conceiving.
Due to this, for pregnancy at the right time, sex at the right time is also necessary.
This time is determined by the time of ovulation of the woman. At this time, the woman's mature egg is present in the fallopian tube.
A woman's ovulation time is when the woman has the highest fertility, so this stage is also called the most suitable fertile period.
This is the best time to be pregnant. You can track your ovulation cycle for early pregnancy.
Almost all doctors recommend the following method for calculating ovulation time:
  • The time between each woman's menstrual cycle is that of ovulation.
  • The monthly cycle of a healthy woman is generally considered to be 28 days.
  •  In such a situation ovulation occurs on the 14th day after the onset of the period.
  • Having sex between 12 and 18 days after the onset of the period prevents pregnancy.
There are many changes in your body during ovulation, by tracking these changes of the body you can take care of your ovulation.
In the next section (How to track ovulation) we will talk about the changes happening in the female body.
Apart from ovulation cycle, you can also track menstruation cycle.
From seven days after menstruation (7 days after mensuration) to seven days before the start of next menstruation (7 days before menstruation), sex can be stopped early.

6. How to track your ovulation?

According to the American Association of Pregnancy, ovulation occurs when the matured egg leaves the ovary and is ready for fertilization in the fallopian tube.
The time of ovulation is the most suitable time for women to become pregnant. It is very important to know here that the matured egg survives only for 12 to 24 hours.
Most women ovulate between the eleventh day and the twenty-first day of their menstrual cycle.
There are many changes in the body of women during ovulation. If you want to become pregnant, then it is very important for you to track ovulation.
Following are the symptoms of ovulation: 

Cervical mucus

At the time of ovulation, there are distinct changes in the volume and thickness of your vaginal discharge.
The cervical mucus is lubricated at the time of ovulation and draws an inch upon touching.

Basal body temperature

You can wake up in the morning and take body temperature every day. Your body temperature increases by one to two degrees at the time of ovulation.
You can use a basal thermometer to measure the temperature.

Mittelschmerz pain

Some women may feel mild abdominal pain at the time of ovulation. This pain can last from a few minutes to a few hours.
Apart from this, you may also see symptoms like bloating, light spotting.

7. How to track your menstruation cycle for being pregnant?

Generally, a woman's menstrual period is five to five days. But in many women, this time can also be long.
The period of menstrual cycle is 28 days in most women. This means you are most likely to be pregnant 6 days every month.
To find out the duration of your menstrual cycle, you have to track your menstruation for a few months (about three months).
The first day of menstruation will be the first day of your menstrual cycle and the next day will be the last day of your menstrual cycle, one day before the onset of menstruation.
Suppose your menstrual cycle is like this, 28 days in the first month, 30 days in the second month and 28 days in the third month.
You can reduce the shortest monthly cycle i.e. 18 from 28 days, this will be the first day of your fertile window.
In the same way, after subtracting 11 from its largest monthly cycle i.e. 30 days, it tells the last day of your fertile window. Intercourse between these days increases the chances of getting pregnant.

8. What are the tips for women who are trying to conceive?

After marriage, every couple wants to have a baby in their life. But keep in mind that when you decide to pursue your family, it is important for you to keep many aspects of conception in mind.
Before conceiving, pay attention to the following:

Stop using contraception

If you or your partner are using any contraceptive, then you have to stop using these contraceptive measures like - contraceptive pills, condoms.

Know your ovulation period (Know your Ovulation)

When you decide to pursue your family, it is important for you to first know your ovulation period properly.
You can use the help of an ovulation calculator to track your ovulation.
In addition, you can find your best breeding days by marking the dates of your two menstrual cycles on a calendar.

Appointment with Doctor

Prospective parents must visit their doctor before conceiving.
In this meeting, the doctor tries to find out through the medical history of the husband and wife that no one has got any genetic disease in the family.
In the event of this, all possible measures are taken to protect the infant from this problem. Apart from this, physical checkup confirms the wellness of the couple.

Take Healthy Diet

When you decide to conceive, then in that case you need to keep yourself physically healthy. For this, you have to take full nutritious food.
Apart from a complete nutritious diet, you can also take iron and calcium supplements with the advice of a doctor.

Healthy Lifestyle

It is very important that you adopt a healthy lifestyle for a healthy pregnancy and the birth of a healthy baby.
Besides living a stress-free life, you have to give up hobbies like smoking and alcoholism.

Regular Exercise

For pregnancy, one has to exercise regularly to be healthy and strong physically, mentally and emotionally.
With this, not only will your body be able to bear pregnancy, but your mental health will also be strengthened.

9. Conclusion

Getting pregnant in a woman's life is like a pleasant feeling. But there are many questions about the beginning of pregnancy in every woman's mind.
A woman becomes pregnant when the egg and sperm are fertilized. However, as a precaution for conception, it is important to take several important aspects into consideration before deciding on pregnancy.