It is a pleasant feeling to be a mother. From the moment a woman reaches a different world, when she thinks of becoming a mother. If a woman is thinking of being pregnant, then she has to watch the menstrual cycle closely. Because ovulation is the answer to many problems related to pregnancy. The exit of an egg from a woman's ovary is called ovulation. In ovulation period, the woman goes through this process every month.
The eggs released from the woman's body are ready to meet the man's semen in this period. This is the time when a woman's body is most fertilized, that means, during this time, she can easily conceive by having sexual intercourse. If the woman does not want to become a mother, pregnancy can be avoided by not having sexual intercourse during this time.
In order to be pregnant, ovulation period needs special attention, because this time is different for different women. Usually occurs around the 14th day in a 28-day menstrual cycle. But not all women have a menstrual period of 28 days. At the childbearing age most menstrual cycle can last between 28 and 32 days. Ovulation usually occurs between the 10th and 19th day of that cycle. About 12 to 16 days before the next menstrual period.
Women can also understand the symptoms of ovulation. Also pay attention to vaginal discharge at this time. The fluid released from the vagina becomes thicker and more viscous than normal. Also, the body temperature of the woman increases. Some women have mild abdominal pain at the time of ovulation, which may last for a few minutes or hours. Women can also take help of Ovulation Predictor Kit. This may include an increase in luteinizing hormone in urine before ovulation. The breasts become sensitive during that time. Nausea and headache are also felt.
The desire for sexual intercourse in the ovulation period increases manifold compared to other days. Take care of ovulation period for early pregnancy. The reason for this is that the egg survives for about 24 to 36 hours after its release from the ovary. If sexual intercourse is done during this period, the chances of pregnancy increase greatly. If two eggs come out of the woman's ovaries, there are chances of having twins. Ovulation period begins seven days after the completion of menstruation and lasts for seven days before the onset of menstruation.