If you want to give a love letter to your love and you do not know what to write in the letter, then today we are sharing a heart touching love letter with you, by which you can settle down in the heartbeat of anyone. To express love, we take the support of love letter and when it comes to telling that love letter, then it is not enough for everyone to spin feelings in the letter. You should feel the same way you feel in your love letter, so that the person reading your letter thinks about you. So let's know ...
I do not even know how much i want you, I do not even know when you have passed through my eyes and settled in my heart. You have my secret in my heart now. Till today, I used to think that if the heart beats, then the person lives, but it was not known that to beat the heart, a reason is needed, and that reason is you.
When you are in front of me, my heart feels good. It seems that my heart only finds you to beat, if you are not there, the heart stops. Perhaps this is called love and maybe this is called madness in love. Heard that people fall madly in love, today I realized it. The feeling that gives me comfort, my heart feel relax when i see you.
I have written all your memories in the pages of my heart and every moment I have kept in my heart, this moment is the happiest moment of my life, I want to live this moment with you. You may not be able to make me your own and perhaps there is no place for me in your heart, but I have already given my heart to you, now tell you, to whom will you give your heart?
I know that it is not an easy task to write love feeling, but I'm doing it .. I want to share all my feeling with you, I want to make you mine .. With great difficulty I have I do not want to lose the queen I have seen in real life.
I saw a queen in my dreams, you look like that, I am not a king but I would definitely like to make you my queen. I do not know how to love nor do I even know how to express my love, I just know that you have come into my world like a new city which has changed my life.
If you are not mine, I am not sad, even if you do not want me, there is no sadness ...
If i am yours then take my life .. i don't care .. i love you