How many days after the period does pregnancy occur?

Usually, women who are pregnant for the first time or try for pregnancy, then many questions arise in their mind, which they do not have the answer and they are afraid inside, but such women are now no need to afraid at all because we have the answers to all your questions. However, these days, the most questions that arise in the minds of women are like this -
  • If I want to become a mother, when should a relationship be made for this?
  • How long do you have physical relations after the period so that I can become pregnant?
  • Can I become pregnant by doing sex during my period?
  • Try a lot but I am not getting pregnant, what is the reason?
  • Am I missing something because of which I am not able to become a mother?
There are many questions, but the only reason for all these questions is "to be a mother". For a woman, becoming a mother becomes very important socially and mentally, because your marriage has been many years and you are not able to become pregnant, because of this, your husband, your in-laws, and society with different eyes Start seeing you
Whatever the reason, but if a woman is not able to become a mother after marriage, then there can be many reasons like this -
  • Something lacking in you or your husband.
  • Diabetes. If you or your husband is a patient of diabetes, you may have difficulty in becoming a mother.
  • You are too fat and your husband is too thin.
  • Your husband's sperm count decreases.
  • Constant relationship building.
  • Using more birth control pills.
  • Period not on time
  • Don't take care of food and drink.
  • Do not make a relationship at the right time.
We have given all the reasons above, due to any one of these reasons, you are not getting pregnant. Today we will talk about one of these reasons which is - how many days after the period can you become pregnant, that is, if you want to become pregnant, then at what time after the period if you do become pregnant, the chances are the highest?

By the way, you must have known that if you want to become pregnant then it is necessary to have a physical relationship, but that is not enough. If you think that you only need to make a physical relationship to be pregnant then you are wrong.

Why it is important to have a physical relationship to be pregnant and that too at the right time. If you make a physical relationship at the right time, then your chances of getting pregnant are greatly increased. We would like to tell you everything from the beginning so that you do not get confused in any way, if we just tell you that you make a physical relationship on this date, then it will be wrong, and you cannot understand that why is it important to make the relationship at right times.

If you want to become pregnant, then it is very important to know about the 3 things below.
  • Period and information related to it
  • Information about male sperm
  • right time
Should know about these three one by one so that by the end you fully understand when to make a relationship after a period to be pregnant.

1. Period and information related to it

I do not need to tell you what the period is, you know better than us because you are a woman. There are periods every month and lasts for 5-7 days, during which you use pads, but apart from this, what do you know about your period? Do you know the date of your period? If you are a woman, then you must know the time of arrival of your period and you must know how much your period runs. Here we would like to give information about 2 things related to the period, those are -
  • Period cycle
  • Ovulation
Period Cycle - The day between last period and uncomming period is called Period Cycle. Suppose your period started on 1 January and ended on the 5th, and a month later, on 1 February your period started again. So if we count the days between 1 January to 1 February, then it will be 30 days, that is, your second period has started 30 days after the period has started. And this same difference of 30 days is called period cycle. There was a 30-day period cycle here.

It is not necessary that the period cycle of all women is only for 30 days. One can have more than 30 days and less. What would you say if I asked you about your period cycle? Do You Know Your Own Period Cycle? If we do not know about it, then dnt worry we are here ro tell you.

How to know your own period cycle?

The interval from one period to another is called the period cycle, and this is very important for you to know. If you want to become pregnant then you should know about your period cycle. To know the period cycle, you have to note the time of arrival of your period. Suppose that your period has started on 5th February, then note it down on the calendar or somewhere.
And when your second period comes, again note the date of your second period.
Now you have 2 dates for 2 periods. So any number of days that come between these two dates is your period cycle. for example -
  1. First Period - 5 February
  2. Second period - 10 March
So there is a 25 day difference between 5 February to 4 March. That is, after 25 days, the period comes, which we will call the 25-day period cycle.
If you know about your period cycle and you can get a rough idea on which date your next period will come.
If you do not know about your period cycle, then you should know about your period cycle because in order to be pregnant you must know about your period cycle. So far you have learned about the period cycle, now let us know what ovulation is.
Ovulation - During the period, blood, water and some meat are released from your body and during the period, everythis that came out takes the form of a child in your womb.
Every month a thin layer of blood accumulates in the uterus of women and 14 days before the period starts, an egg (ovum) comes out of the ovary and reaches the uterus via the fallopian tube and the egg survives in the uterus for 24 hours. The ovum from the ovary that reaches the uterus meets the blood layer in the uterus and waits for the sperm for 24 hours. That is, during this time, if a physical relationship is made, then the male's sperm comes in contact with the egg and the desired egg of the sperm develops and begins to take the form of a child.
The time in which the ovum comes out of the ovary into the uterus is called ovulation. That is, the day of ovulation occurs 14 days before the period starts and on the same day, the ovum comes out of the woman's ovaries and enters the uterus.
Now the thing to note here is that the egg survives only in the uterus for 24 hours and during this 24 hours, if the physical relationship is made, then the chances of pregnancy increase greatly.
Another aspect of this is that if the ovum is present in the uterus and the male sperm does not meet the ovum at that time, then after 13 days the period starts so that the blood layer in the uterus starts to get out from the body.
So far we have told you about period cycle and ovulation, now let us give you some information about male sperm too.

2. Male Sperm

The water that comes out of the male's penis during the formation of a physical relationship is called a sperm. It is not that if you make a relationship at any time, then you can become pregnant, only a relationship formed at the right time can be pregnant. For this, you should also know about male sperm.
During the physical relationship, when the male's sperm enters the female's uterus, then that sperm can live for 5-7 days in the uterus.
As we told you that if you make a relationship during ovulation, then pregnancy can happen, if your ovulation time is 15th and if you have made a 10th then the male sperm will be alive in the uterus for 5-7 days and in the meantime. You can become pregnant due to ovulation.
So far, understand what you know once again in detail, we have so far given you information about 3 things which are as follows -
  1. Period Cycle - The time between one period to another is called a period cycle. 
  2. Ovulation - 14 days before the period, the ovum comes out of the ovary and reaches the uterus, which is called ovulation. The ovum survives in the uterus for 24 hours. 
  3. Male sperm - Sperm can live for 5 to 7 days in a woman's uterus.
So after understanding this, you must have understood that if you want to become pregnant, then how many days after the period should you make a relationship.

How many days after the period can you be pregnant if you make a relationship?

You can be pregnant 14 days before the period starts, as it is a very good time for ovulation and at this time the ovum comes out of your ovaries, which remains in the uterus for 24 hours. If you make a physical connection during this time, then your chances of getting pregnant increases.

What is the need to pay attention to this?

For this, you should know about your period cycle. If your period cycle is 28 days, then you can become pregnant if you have a physical relationship 14 days before the next period starts.
We have tried to explain you through an example here. You understand the example given below and know when to do it. Here you have to look at 3 things and that is -
ovulation - 14 days before the period begins.
  • Ovum - The ovum stays in the uterus for 24 hours. 
  • Sperm - Sperm can live in the uterus for 5-7 days.
Likewise, the period cycle of any woman is not normal, if your period cycle is 28 days, then it is not necessary that your next period will come only after 28 days. Maybe the next period is early or late.
Keeping all these things in mind, we have tried to convince you through the example given below.


If your period cycle is 27 days and your period started on March 1. So after 28 days i.e. on March 29, your next period can start. If you want to become pregnant, then a relationship should be made 14 days before the next period, i.e. on 14 March. March 14 is your ovulation time and you can become pregnant by having a relationship during this time.
But this can happen only when your period always comes on time and you can definitely say that your period will come on this date only. In this case, you have to guess. If your period cycle is 28 days, then you should estimate it by understanding less and more.
If your period cycle is 27 days and your period starts on 1st March, then after 28 days i.e. on 29th March there is a possibility of your second period, here you have to add 3 more days to the arrival time of your period, ie There may be a period between March 24 and March 30.
Now you know that the period is to be within 24 to 30 March, which would be an accurate estimate. Now you can guess yourself when your ovulation time will be, your ovulation time will be between 24 to 30 March to 14 days, ie between 10 March to 16 March. So you have to make a relationship in the meantime so that you can become pregnant.
It is not necessary that you have a continuous relationship from March 10 to March 16. You can also make a relationship by dropping one day because the egg remains in the uterus for 24 hours and the sperm for 7 days.
So friends, you must now fully understand when you can become pregnant by having a relationship after a period.

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