7 signs that will tell you if you are pregnant or not

Whether you are pregnant or not can be detected through body changes or pregnancy kit.. Today we will tell you what are the symptoms of pregnancy and how to do a pregnancy test. So that you can find out 'I am pregnant or not?

How do I know if I am pregnant?

The hormonal changes that occur in a woman after conception also have an effect on the external organs of the body.
From which we can guess whether the woman is pregnant or not.
By the way, if you are pregnant or not, the best way to find out is to do a pregnancy test at home.
There is a lot of change in our body during pregnancy, which by notice we can find out very easily whether we are pregnant or not.
Today we will talk about some such physical changes that you can feel ourself during pregnancy. So let's know.

1. Notice changes in the breast

There are many hormonal changes in the body of pregnant women due to which the breasts become tender. Tingling is felt in the breast. Breast heaviness is felt. Breast hurts. The nipples turn black. Nipples grow larger.

2. Having trouble changing clothes

After pregnancy, women have trouble changing clothes because after conception, there is pain in the nipple, due to which it is inconvenient to change clothes.
The nipples of a pregnant woman become big and hard due to which they have pain. If your nipple is in pain and you are having trouble changing clothes, then it is a sign of pregnancy.

3. Breast pain

After the pregnancy, the pain in the breast is many times, then sometimes the pain is very less. Due to pressure on the chest of the woman, a lot of breast pain is felt.

4. Morning sickness

After pregnancy, women feel nausea or vomiting or weakness from morning to morning, all of these are called morning sickness. These symptoms begin 2-3 weeks after conception.
That means, you do not have to face problems with morning sickness immediately after getting pregnant, you get to know it only after 2-3 weeks of getting pregnant. Anyway, you must have heard about vomiting during prengancy.

5. Nausea

Nausea means the same as it happens before vomiting, it is called nausea. After conception, the woman's ability to smell increases, which causes nausea.

6. Change of mood

After pregnancy, women's food habits change. Women may hate eating food that has previously been their favorite food, and may develop a desire to eat something they do not like to eat.

7. Non-period

The absence of menstruation / period / mc is the biggest symptom of pregnancy but sometimes body complications can also delay menstruation. If you have missed your period, these symptoms may be of pregnancy.
Anyway, if your period comes regularly every month and suddenly there is period missed, then you can understand that you are pregnant.

Now how to do pregnancy test?

If you feel that you are pregnant and you are not sure, then you can do a pregnancy test at home. For this, very different brands of pregnancy test strip exist in the market.
You can take a pregnancy kit of any brand and easily check your pregnancy. But keep in mind that the test done with strip is only the primary test, so make sure to have a check in the doctor for sure.
Human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) present in urine is detected during pregnancy test. If HCG is present in the urine, it means you are pregnant.
Pregnancy test should always be done at home after waking up in the morning, it gives the best results because only HCG is more at that time.
The first 3 months of pregnancy are very sensitive. There are high chances of miscarriage during the onset of pregnancy. Therefore pregnancy test is very important.
You can be careful at the right time if the result of pregnancy test comes positive. More often it happens that the woman does not know about pregnancy and she is negligent. Doing so increases the risk of miscarriage.
If the pregnancy test is positive, you should consult a doctor immediately and work with the opinion of the doctor. Do not make a mistake that may harm the child. Delay in period, feeling tired very quickly, etc. can be the symptoms of pregnancy, but HCG test is considered a very good way to be 100% sure. You can do the HCG test yourself at home. Follow these points for HCG test -

How to do pregnancy test

Purchase an HCG kit or pregnancy test strip from any medical store. It is available for about 50-150 rupees. You get two things in the HCG kit. The first thing is a test device which is also called a card and the second thing is a dropper.
Pregnancy test should be done in the morning, the result of which comes right. To use pregnancy test, take urine in the dropper and put 3 drops of urine in the small hole available in the kit.
After this, wait for 5 minutes. After waiting 5 minutes, look in the kit.
If there are 2 lines visible in the kit, then you are pregnant. If only 1 line is visible in the kit, then you are not pregnant. If there is not a single line visible in the kit, it means the kit is bad.

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