No pregnant woman should not take pain-killer medicines during pregnancy as paracetamol, ibuprofen and aspirin are found in pain-killer medicines which are extremely harmful for the unborn baby. During pregnancy, the use of pain-killer medicines reduces the fertility of an unborn baby. If you have an infant daughter in your stomach, then the use of these medicines is very harmful.
According to researchers, approximately 60% of women consume pregnancy pain-killer medicines. Researchers also reported that paracetamol, ibuprofen and aspirin are found in pain-killer medicines. If a woman consumes pain-killer medicines during pregnancy, then the development of reproductive organs of her unborn baby is impeded. .
If you have an infant son in your stomach and you take pain-killer medicines, then you are making a big mistake because the use of these medicines reduces the quality of sperm produced in men and later your dear ones In the last days of his life, his chances of getting testicular cancer increases manifold. According to researchers, the reproductive malformations found in men nowadays are due to pain-killer medicines taken during pregnancy.
Researchers say that prolonged use of pain-killer medicines during pregnancy increases this risk by up to 8 times in sons. According to researchers, taking pain-killer medicines for the second quarter of pregnancy ie 3 to 6 months is very harmful. Taking any pain-killer medicines in the second trimester of pregnancy can also stop the development of the reproductive organs of the baby.
According to researchers, ibuprofen and aspirin found in pain-killer medicines increase the risk by up to 6 times, while paracetamol doubles the risk. According to scientists, taking 2 pain-killer medicines in 1 day in the second trimester of pregnancy increases this risk up to 20 times. Later, scientists told that pain-killer medicines do not allow hormones to enter the fetus.