The blonde baby wants every pregnant woman. By the way, whether the child is fair or dark, it is the form of God. Today we will tell you about some diet that you take during pregnancy, then your baby will be born blond. Let us know about such a diet.

How to have a blond baby?

1. Drink milk with saffron

Yes, we know that many of you must have heard about milk containing saffron. Boil a small quantity of daily saffron with a glass of milk. It is believed that saffron has some special qualities that are capable of blonding both mother and child.
But you have to take special care here that saffron is not to be used in large amount because it increases the risk of contraction in the uterus. But saffron in small quantities also helps in reducing the symptom of pregnancy like blood pressure and mood swings. Also, you get a lot of nutrients from milk.

2. Eat Coconuts

It is believed that eating coconut produces a fair complexion. So start eating coconut in limited quantity from today. Eating coconut and drinking its water has many benefits such as its water will improve the hydration level of your body, you will get the necessary electrolytes, reduce mental stress, sleep will be better. Not only this, coconut is also very helpful in reducing morning sickness in pregnancy.

3. Drink milk

It is believed that if a blonde child like milk wants milk, then everyone has their own opinion about how much truth is there in this statement. But what is the harm in doing it because milk is considered a good drinkable during pregnancy. Research even says that by drinking it daily, your baby will be born of good stature. So do not forget to drink a glass of milk before going to bed at night, because of this the child inside you will develop well and you will also get good nutrition as well as sleep.

4. Eat Eggs

You must have heard that eat eggs everyday on Sunday or Monday. Yes, egg is also a diet that people recommend to eat to have blond children. It is said that by eating the white part of the egg daily in the second quarter, the baby is born clean. You definitely get a lot of nutrients like eggs, protein, vitamin and minerals from which your baby develops well and baby is born healthy.

5. Almonds

Daily keep some almonds immersed in water at night and chew them well with milk in the morning. The skin and health of the child coming from this will be beautiful. Apart from this, you will get many other benefits from almonds, like the protein found in it, the health of both mother and child will be good, dew baby will be born of good weight. With its fibers, you will get rid of constipation problem during pregnancy. With this vitamin-E, you and your baby's skin and hair will be good. Calcium will make your little bones strong.