1. Exceeding age

Nowadays people are getting married after the age of 30 and in 31 or 32 years the first child arrives in their house. When he becomes three or four years old, then women start preparing for the second child, by then the woman's age is over 35. There is a problem in getting pregnant at this stage of age. The correct age of pregnancy is considered to be 27 to 32 years.

2. Weight gain

Weight gain is natural after pregnancy. After becoming a mother, women get so confused that they are not able to lose weight. In such a situation, there is more weight in conceiving for the second time. Apart from this, obesity also causes many other diseases.

3. Side-effects of Medicines

After pregnancy women take many types of medicines. Not only this, in many times they also use birth control pills, so that there is a problem in conceiving the second time. Apart from this, there are many medicines that are given to a woman during pregnancy, which have a side-effect and there is a problem in conceiving the second time.

4. Abnormal ovulation

The main role of ovulation is in conceiving. The second week after the period is ovulation. During this time, having sex is a pregnancy. But after the first pregnancy, the time of ovulation becomes irregular and the woman has problems in pregnancy.

5. Abnormal daily routing

Many surveys and research were conducted in metro cities regarding daily routing and sperm quality. In this, it was found that due to abnormal daily routing, sperm counting of men is decreasing, not only that the quality is also being affected. The second time the same problem occurs in pregnancy, on which there is a double age of age with abnormal daily routing.

6. Mental situation

Being a mother is a pleasant feeling on the one hand and during this time one also has to go through unbearable pain, about which one starts feeling scared. Due to this, the mental state of women is not ready for the second time conception. So if you want to be a mother for the second time, then keep in touch with the doctor regularly.