Becoming a mother is a very pleasant feeling for every woman. If you have twin children, it doubles your happiness more. Because you do not have to go through labor pain twice. However, if you have twin children than a child, then you definitely have some difficulty in raising them. But still you get relief from many problems. So if you want twins, then through this article we will tell you how some measures can help you become the mother of twins.

How do twins become?

There are two types of twins, which look different from each other or look like one. Let us tell you that twins are formed when an egg is fertilized by a sperm, which leads to the formation of embryo. In this way, the genetic structure of twins born is the same. Whereas dizygotic twins are formed when two different sperm fertilize two eggs, producing two different-looking babies. The genetic structure of such children is also different.

1. Woman's age matters

The chances of becoming a mother and twin pregnancies increase with aging. Women who are 35 years of age or above produce more of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH). This hormone prepares ovaries to relies on egg for ovulation. The higher the level of Hormone, the more relies the egg will have during ovulation. This will lead to more than one pregnancy. If you want to conceive twins, then try pregnancy at this stage of age.

2. Drink dairy products

Women who consume dairy products more are more likely to have twins. Some scientists believe that not only dairy products but also the growth hormones available in milk can help in getting twins.

3. Eating Yam will benefit

Yam i.e. eating gimmick causes stimulation in the ovaries. Thereby more than one egg relies for ovulation. For this reason, the possibility of conceive your twin child increases. Apart from this, foods rich in protein such as grains and soy are also beneficial.

4. Do not eat birth control pills

Although birth control pills work to prevent pregnancy, but the possibility of using them makes you have twins. In fact, when you stop eating pills, it is possible that during a monthly cycle of onset, different types of hormonal changes will occur in the body. Due to which, even after eating these pills, your chances of getting two pregnancies increase.

5. Take time after the first pregnancy

If you are trying to conceive for twins, then take a little time after your first pregnancy. The chances of having twins decrease due to early pregnancies.