How to know if I am pregnant?

If you are going to be a mother for the first time, then pregnancy brings a new feeling for you. With some body signs, you can find out whether you are pregnant or not. Your pregnancy can be predicted by body changes. Let us know what are the signs and changes by which you will be able to know whether you are pregnant or not? How to know if I am pregnant?

How do I know if I am pregnant?

By the way, the best way to find a pregnancy is to do a pregnancy test at home yourself, we have already told about it in our previous article. If you want to do pregnancy test at home, then read this article - How to do pregnancy test at home?
But during pregnancy, there are some signs and physical changes that you can easily find out whether you are pregnant or not? So let's know about them.

1. getting tired while doing small things

If you are feeling tired even while doing small work or do not feel like doing any work, then these signs can also be of your pregnancy. You can also recognize the feeling of pregnancy by noting the changes happening in your daily life.
Suddenly you feel that you are not able to do your work properly like every day, or you do not feel like doing any work or if you are getting tired even after doing light work, then this sign of pregnancy Might be possible.

2. Changes in breast size will be seen.

If you are going to be a mother for the first time, then the first change will be seen in your breast. Breast will become more sore and tight, nipple size will increase. You can easily feel the sudden change in your breast which will tell you that you are pregnant.

3. Frequent urination

If you are troubled by going to the bathroom again and again, it indicates that you might be pregnant. If you have frequent urination, then it may be due to pregnancy.

4. Change of mood

One of the early symptoms is the lack of mood, excessive emotional, if so, it is a sign of your pregnancy. During pregnancy, your mood seems like a revenge in everything.
For example, you do not like the things you like to eat the most, and start eating things that you do not like before, you can see the sudden change in mood by adding to your pregnancy which says that You are pregnant.

5. vomiting

This is the most common thing through which you can easily find out that you are pregnant. The vomiting is the first sign of pregnancy. If you are experiencing vomiting, repeatedly believing to vomit, vomiting are coming but not vomiting then it clearly means that you are pregnant.

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