Why does miscarriage happen and how to avoid it?

Why does miscarriage happen? If the womb comes out of the uterus for 90 days or earlier, it is called miscarriage. According to medical science, if the womb flows from the uterus in the first three months, then it is called miscarriage and abortion for the second three months, that means, after 6 months its called abortion. And if the womb comes out before 9 months, then it is called premature birth. A woman who has had abortions 3 times or more times is called habitual abortion.

Why does miscarriage happen? There are many reasons for miscarriage, such as -

  • having physical relation when women age is 16
  • Due to running
  • skipping a rope
  • Actively participate in sports
  • jump
  • Dress up tightly in pregnancy
  • Excess of physical relation
  • Excessive exercise or physical exertion
  • Carry heavy things
  • Fall to the height
  • Hard allopathic medicines
  • Eating ayurvedic medicines
  • Abdominal injury
  • Ride the bumpy road
  • More awake at night and more asleep during the day
  • Exposure to excess heat, sun, and fire
  • Reasons causing mental stress such as anger, anxiety, bereavement, fear
  • No nutritional intake
  • Uterine malformations
  • Fasting more
  • Excessive substance abuse such as alcohol
  • Disease of heart and blood
Before miscarriage, there is pain in the waist, uterus, ax and abdomen and blood also starts coming from vagina. It has been said that better protection is required than medical treatment.

If there is a possibility of miscarriage -

Allow the woman to rest completely and do not let her move.
Do not let the physical and mental load on it
Put a pillow under the feet and keep it in such a state till the bleeding stops.
Woke up only after the bleeding stopped.
Give food light, digestible. Place a cloth or ice water bag soaked on the vulva and pellet.
Do not allow stimulants like tea, coffee.
Do your best to avoid miscarriage by getting the help of a doctor.

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